Hot Talk For Your Masturbation
We all masturbate, might we not do something to make it a lot more fun, rather than just a fast physical release? Phone sex is a wonderful way to do that. Most guys watch porn fairly regularly, even if just for five or ten minutes as they jerk off, but that’s a very one sided, strictly visual, non emotional engagement way to masturbate. When you are having phone sex and engaging with another person verbally and sharing your fantasies, that is a whole other level of masturbation enjoyment. You cum so much harder, especially when a professional operator is pushing all the right buttons and using your triggers to get you off to the very best of their ability.
When you confide a fantasy to someone, you may have never shared those thoughts with another living person and you’re granting them access to that special part of your private world and asking them to come inside and look around. It’s a privileged relationship much like a psychiatrist and their patient, and one we are honoured to be let in on, since we know it’s a secret you likely have never told your wife or girlfriend, and one you want us to flesh out and have become more real.
Masturbation is a physical, sexual act, yes, but when you add another person into the mix it becomes psychological and emotional, and that can turn a black and white experience into colour and make all the difference in memorability and intensity. Phone sex is a wonderful way to engage the mind as well as just your hand and your penis, and sometimes a sex toy. That back and forth that talking allows for a much better experience overall, and if you haven’t tried phone sex in a while, we highly recommend that you do, and see how much better your orgasm is as a result than when just playing alone.